Analyses of water for human consumption

Analyses of water for human consumption:

“Water for human consumption is not included in the concept of food, it is provided under the obligation of the State to all citizens of the territory as a public good, not subject to market rules and is governed by the laws of sanitary engineering” (Government Gazette 3282 2017)

What is understood as water for human consumption:

  • Water, either in its natural state or after treatment, intended for drinking, cooking, food preparation or other domestic uses, regardless of its origin and whether it is supplied from a distribution network, from a tank, or in bottles or containers.
  • Water used in food-producing establishments for the preparation, treatment, preservation or marketing of products or substances intended for human consumption

Potential risks:

Drinking water consumption may be associated with epidemic outbreaks. In developed countries, as in Greece, possible epidemics are associated with deficiencies in water treatment and the emergence of resistant strains of micro-organisms.


The new law on water for human consumption defines:

  1. the microbiological and chemical parameters that must be monitored
  2. the frequency of testing depending on the volume of water produced or distributed
  3. and the fact that private laboratories or other bodies with which private laboratories contract must be accredited to EN ISO/IEC 17025 or an equivalent internationally accepted standard by the ESYD or another body participating in the European Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Accreditation for Testing (EA-MLA testing).
